We Post As We Choose!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pelucidar by Shawn Dueck

David Innes rescues Dian (who seems to be doing alright on her own) from the Sabre-tooth while the Mahar look on. From ERB's second book in his hollow-earth series.

Painted in GIMP just for the experience.

Edit: I painted back into the ground to fix some things that bothered me.

Also, I've put up some pencil roughs to keep the sketchiness alive!

Edit: OK, I scaled David down to make the perspective work better. I'm done, I swear!


  1. Thanks, guys! High praise indeed.

    As you can see (or possibly not!), I made some minor adjustments and threw up a couple of roughs.

    Don't ask how I managed to swallow the roughs in the first place. ;)

  2. You had me fooled man. I thought this was traditional media. Then I saw it on DA under digital.
